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Khums Calculation


Amount you own, in US Dollars ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Equivalent amount, in US Dollars, of foreign currency you own ?
Calculated on your khums due date.
Debts owed to you that you expect to be repaid ?
Do not include this if it was accounted for in previous financial years.
In-kind possessions not used for sustenance ?
This includes buildings, farms, factories, commodities, work tools, and any household items or possessions not used for sustenance. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Financial dues ?
This includes the due of key premium (surqufliah), the due of utilizing agricultural lands owned by the state, and the due of revival of lands which are fenced and prepared for residency. Calculate these at present value if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price if they were acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed. If acquired with a combination of income, then calculate these at present value in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has not elapsed, and at cost price in relation to what was acquired with surplus income on which a year has elapsed.
Amount you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
This is cash which was subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already spent (e.g. If this is the first year you pay khums, despite having needed to pay khums in previous years)
Fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to present value. Fungible items are those which are freely exchangeable or replaceable, in whole or in part, for another item of a similar nature, such as machinery or factory-produced fabrics.
Non-fungible items you utilized prior to your khums due date ?
These are non-fungible items which were subject to khums prior to your khums due date, and which you have already utilized. Calculate these according to their value at point of utilization. Non–fungible items are unique items, such as unique paintings, monuments, and unique jewelry.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Imam ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Imam before your khums due date.
Amount you already paid with intention of Sahm Al-Sada ?
Amount you paid with the intention of Sahm Al-Sada before your khums due date.


Commercial debts ?
Include all commercial debts you still owe others.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in the financial year ?
Includes debts borrowed in the financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Remaining sustenance debts taken in previous financial years ?
Includes debts borrowed in the previous financial year for accommodation (mortgage), a car, etc. The asset (house, car, etc.) must still be in your possession. Calculate only the amount that you have not deducted from your profits in previous financial years. Please refer to more detailed rulings for accounting for mortgages.
Amount you own which has already been subjected to khums ?
Calculated on your khums due date. Includes the remainder of funds that were subject to khums in previous years and on which you have already paid khums.
  1. 1) Your khums due date is the first day you started your job or business. If you are retired or not in employment, then you can agree a khums due date with a representative of the marja'a, or calculate separate khums years for each profit that you make, from the date you made that profit.
  2. 2) The khums of commercial commodities and real estate(s) which are intended for trading, should be paid in accordance with their current market value, even if they were bought with profits which a year has elapsed on, unless the price at which they were bought is higher than the current value.
  3. 3) If the calculations show that the amount of khums due is negative as a result of sustenance debts, then the amount of the sustenance debt equivalent to the amount of khums due for the rest of the item is calculated and excluded.
  4. 4) If sustenance debts are fully repaid in the financial year, this amount is excluded from the profits.
  5. 5) Possessions which are not subject to khums are:
    1. a. Possessions owned through inheritance:
    2. i. Cash
    3. ii. Real Estate
    4. iii. Objects that are transferrable and the like
    5. b. Possessions owned by the wife from the dowry (mahr):
    6. i. Cash
    7. ii. Gold Jewellery
    8. iii. Home furniture and the like
    9. c. Possessions used for personal or family provisions from the profits of that financial year:
    10. i. Home residence
    11. ii. Home furniture and other household items
    12. iii. Gardens used for leisure and to personally benefit from their fruit
    13. iv. Personal or family cars
    14. v. Animals that are benefited from by the household such as a cow for milk or a chicken for eggs
    15. d. Debts owed by others that you do not expect to be repaid.
    16. e. Items purchased through debt that has not yet been repaid.

Total amount subject to Khums $0

Khums Due $0

Sahm al Imam to be paid $0

Sahm al Sada to be paid $0

Email me Khums report

Double Your Impact with Employer Matching Gifts

At Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation, we’re incredibly grateful for the generosity of our donors. But what if we told you that your contributions could go even further through your employer’s matching gift program?

Imagine the difference you could make in the lives of orphaned children by multiplying your support at no extra cost!

Use the search field below to discover if your employer participates in a matching gift program.

Our Information

93% of all donors submit matches electronically.

When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company still uses a paper form, you may need the following

Our EIN:

Our Mailing Address:
Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation
Attn: Matching Gifts
6930 Schaefer Rd.
Dearborn, MI 48126

Our Contact Information:
Phone: 1-877-NEW-HOPE (639-4673)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a matching gift?

A matching gift is a corporate giving initiative where companies match charitable contributions made by their employees to eligible nonprofits like Al-Ayn. Many U.S. companies offer matching gift programs, effectively doubling or even tripling the impact of your donation at no extra cost to you.

How does the matching gifts process work?

Once you’ve made a donation to Al-Ayn, follow these steps:

  1. Find out instantly if your employer will match your donation on our matching gifts search bar. You can also find this information through your HR department or company’s internal benefits platform.
  2. If they do, follow the instructions on the screen to submit a matching gift request to your employer. This usually involves completing a form and providing proof of your donation. Most of this process is online using your employer’s CSR portal. However, some businesses may require submitting paper forms to their HR or Corporate Giving Department.
  3. Once your employer verifies the donation, they will match your gift directly to Al-Ayn, thus multiplying your impact on the causes you support.
How much will my employer match? And what is a match ratio?

The match ratio varies from company to company. However, every company that offers matching gifts has a preset ratio. While most employers match donations at a 1:1 ratio (dollar for dollar)—meaning your $50 donation becomes $100 when they match it—some may even triple or quadruple your original gift at a 3:1 or 4:1 rate.

What does a Minimum and Maximum match amount mean?

A Minimum match means that if a donor’s contribution falls below that amount, the company will not match the gift. Typically, it ranges between $10 and $100.

A Maximum match is the total amount per year that a company will donate on behalf of one employee.

Please check your employer’s specific guidelines for more details.

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. After making a donation, you will receive a receipt from us, which includes our Tax ID number (EIN: 47-1614315) and confirms your contribution for tax purposes.

You can deduct donations made to Al-Ayn toward all charitable programs when filing your federal taxes, provided you itemize your deductions. Please consult your tax advisor for more specific guidance.

What paperwork or documents are needed to request a matching gift?

To submit a matching gift request to your employer, you will typically need:

  • Your donation receipt: You will receive this after you donate to Al-Ayn. If you don’t receive it automatically, please request one here.
  • Al-Ayn’s Tax ID or EIN (Employer Identification Number): 47-1614315
  • Al-Ayn’s contact information:
    • Address: Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation
      Attn: Matching Gifts
      6930 Schaefer Rd.
      Dearborn, MI 48126
    • Phone: 1-877-NEW-HOPE (639-4673)
    • Email:
  • Employer-specific matching gift form: This can usually be found on your company’s employee portal or by contacting your HR department.

Some employers may request additional documentation, such as a copy of our IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter or verification of the charitable programs you are supporting. If you need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

What is the deadline to submit a matching gift request? What if I donated earlier in the year?

Each employer has a stipulated deadline for matching gift submissions. Typically, you have anywhere from three months to one year from the date of your donation to submit a request. Some companies may also allow matching requests for contributions made in the prior calendar year. Please check your employer’s specific guidelines for more details.

We recommend submitting the necessary paperwork as soon as possible to ensure your gift is matched.

How long does it take for the employer to process my matching gift?

The processing time for the matching donations form can take anywhere between two to four weeks. After approval, the time it takes for your company to mail a donation match check or issue funds electronically can vary.

If your employer’s matching gift program approves the donation match, the employer will release the funds according to company guidelines. You can contact your employer directly to determine how often matching gift payments are processed and disbursed.

What should I do if I can’t find my employer through the matching gifts search?

If you cannot locate your employer on the list, it is likely that they are not included in the company database. To increase the chances of your employer matching gifts to Al-Ayn, you can utilize our pre-written printable letter to submit your request to your HR department.

If your company is interested in featuring Al-Ayn as a beneficiary for employee giving efforts, please email us at We’d be happy to help you start promoting Al-Ayn within your workplace.

Can donations for Khums, Sadaqa, Zakat, and the Sponsorship and Sponsorship Fund be matched?

Yes! Al-Ayn’s projects for orphaned children and their families—whether Khums (obligatory charity), Sadaqa (voluntary charity), Zakat (almsgiving), Sponsorship, or Sponsorship Fund—qualify under our 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, making them eligible for most corporate matching gift programs. Please check your employer’s guidelines to check for any specific restrictions.

What if I donate frequently?

If you make monthly or recurring donations, you must check the specific guidelines for your employer’s matching gifts program for clarity. Ideally, you could submit your matching gift request quarterly. If you have further questions, please contact our Matching Gifts team at or 1-877-NEW-HOPE (639-4673).

What if I donate via Zelle?

If you’re donating via Zelle, please include your email address and any details about your donation in the notes section. This allows us to correctly assign your contribution to your account and issue a donation receipt; you will need it to request a matching gift from your employer. If you’ve sent a Zelle payment without indicating anything in the notes section, please get in touch with us here immediately to have your record updated.

What happens if I contribute using my donor-advised fund, family foundation, etc.?

Please provide the name of the fund or foundation from which the gift originated on the matching gift form. This will enable us to verify your matching gift.

If you donated online, kindly contact us at with the name and address of the organization from which the donation was made. Include the date the check was mailed, the donation amount, your name and address, and a daytime phone number. This will enable us to contact you if we need any further information.

What types of donations qualify for matching gifts?

Most corporate matching gift programs match donations made to specific charitable causes. At Al-Ayn, this includes:

  • Khums
  • Sadaqa
  • Zakat
  • Sponsorship
  • Sponsorship Fund
  • Seasonal donations, such as those made during Ramadan, Muharram, and Winter campaigns
  • General donations according to need

It’s always a good idea to verify with your employer if they match donations to specific programs, as policies may vary.

How is my employer-matched gift put to use? Is it applied toward a specific program?

All corporate-matched donations will be treated as unrestricted funding, meaning it will be used to fund any part of Al-Ayn’s work, including operational costs, even if the original donation is restricted.

This will support us in our efforts to continue caring for the orphaned children registered with us, whilst seeking to identify and support further orphaned children in need.

What impact does my matching gift have?

Your matching gift significantly increases the impact of your donation, such as:

  • Enriching the educational support & vocational training for orphaned youth
  • Enhancing the medical care for those in need
  • Expanding the psychological rehabilitation programs for the underserved
  • And lifting thousands of unsponsored children out of poverty

By matching your donation, your employer helps amplify the reach and effectiveness of the charitable programs you care about.

How do I determine if my employer participates in a matching gift program?

Other than using our matching gifts search bar, the easiest way is to ask your HR department or visit your company’s employee benefits platform. Many employers offer matching gift programs but may not widely advertise them.

Can I request a match for volunteer hours?

Some companies will match not only monetary donations but also volunteer hours. For instance, if you volunteer your time at a local Al-Ayn event, your employer may donate a set amount per hour you volunteer. Check with your employer to see if these programs are available. Additionally, you can search for your employer using our online volunteer grants database.

Can I still help if my employer doesn’t offer a matching gift program?

Yes! If your company doesn’t offer a matching gift program, you can help by encouraging them to start one. Corporate matching gifts are an excellent way for businesses to engage in social responsibility and support the causes their employees care about. Many companies are open to starting these programs if there is enough interest from employees.

Where can I get more help with the matching gifts process?

If you need assistance, we’re here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact us at or 1-877-NEW-HOPE (639-4673), and we’ll guide you through the steps to ensure your matching gift is processed.